Jun 18, 2009

Napkin Rabbit Bunny Pattern Instruction - Oshiboriart

Oshiboriart - means wet towel folding art, similar with origami but using towel / napkin.

Wet Towel Rabbit Bunny.
This instruction is from a book of Japanese oshibori book.

There is another kind of Oshiboriart, very elegant if fold with Napkin

Napkin Rabbit - Oshibori

Picture by karakutokyo

During kid's holiday, you can make DIY rabbit with kids, this is a great party game.

Have Fun !! If you are rabbit lover,  would you like to make the following rabbit ? 
You only need simple crochet skill for the first two, Hello kitty with rabbit costume is going to mid-level skill.

 I would like to share this rabbit pattern with you. click here .

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